Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

to You, from me.

to : You

I'm just not in the good mood to through it. everything seems so messed. I don't know how to fix it, what should I do. I do not want to give up, but I just feel hopeless. feel everything I did is always seems wrong. this is the way what I choose, but it feels like God didn't let me to be here. so, should I stop and out from here?

the person who I wish could understand me when I do not want to explain what I really feel is totally can't be like what I wish. she doesn't understand at all. at all.<X3

oh God. what do You give to me? You know what, I feel so lonely...lonely.
there's no one could understand it. no one can help me. no one, God, no one.

God, show me the place that should I stay. guide me. if it isn't for me, don't give to me, if it isn't the best for me, tell me. sometimes I just do not want to did useless things for too long, I leave some things for something that never I get.

sometimes, it feels so useless. 

God, I'm tired. I'm so tired. what I did is always wrong. feel like I'm fail. no one can help, no one be there for me, no one can understand, no one, God...:'(

this feeling is just killing me softly inside. and this pain is always grow up day by day.

from : me.

*pict from google.

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